UET Literary Society organized an event on 'Iqbal Day'
Nov 11, 2022 - Dec 11, 2022
UET Literary Society conducted an event under the title 'Iqbal Day' to honour the birth of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. There were four modules of the event i.e., Bait Baazi Competition, Quiz Competition, Poetry Recitation Competition and Guest Speaker's Speech. The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran then to honour the Prophet (SAW), a student recited a Naat. To stimulate the learning of the students, the UET Literary Society conducted a Quiz, Bait-Baazi and Poetry Recitation competition.
Since the event was conducted to honour the birth of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the UET Literary Society invited the guest speaker who delivered a precious lecture on Iqbal's Philosophy. At last, a prize distribution ceremony was conducted where Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Director of Student Affairs Prof. Dr Asif Ali Qaiser and Staff Advisor presented the winning participants Faraz Sajid and Muhammad Hamza Saeed with shields and honourary certificates.




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