Shazmeera Sharqa Presents Research Paper in 8th International Conference on "Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN 2022)" held in Belgium
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Dec 11, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022

A student of Mathematics Department University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Shazmeera Sharqa, M. Phil Applied Mathematics (session-2021), has added a feather in UET’s cap. The research paper of Shazmeera Sharqa under the titled of "Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of the Pathogenic Mechanisms of the Destruction of Myelin Sheaths in Multiple Sclerosis" was accepted for oral presentation in the 8th International Conference on "Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (acomen2022)" held in Belgium. 


She has done her research work under the supervision of prof. Dr. Qasim ali Chaudhry. The conference was organized by "AIMand "LIEGE university". She is thankful to worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Dean and Chairman Mathematics Department and her research Supervisor for their continuous support and encouragement. 



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