Periodic Table Week Organized by Chemistry Department UET, Lahore
2200.. (1)
Mar 19, 2023 - Apr 20, 2023

To highlight the importance of the Periodic Table for all and sundry, the Department of Chemistry University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore organized an event that will be remembered by many for years to come. The event consisted of lectures, an awareness walk, poetry recitations, and skits by the student body. 

Chemistry is the language of the world and the Periodic Table is its dictionary. A periodic Table serves as a window for peeping into the past, enlightening about the present, and forecasting the future. 

Many notable dignitaries from UET such as Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahid Rafique, Dean of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Farhat Yasmeen, the Chairperson of the Chemistry Department, and Prof. Dr. Aneela Anwar, the chief organizer of the event, together with other faculty members lauded the success of the event. They unanimously agreed that such events not only enlighten the young minds but also provide them with opportunities for self-projection.



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