Optimizing Workspaces: Ergonomics, Health, and Safety in Design
May 10, 2024 - Jun 10, 2024

We were thrilled to host Mr. Imran Shahbaz in our Department of Product and Industrial Design, UET, Lahore. for an insightful lecture on "Optimizing Workspaces: Ergonomics, Health, and Safety in Design".

Organized by Dr. Salman Asghar and Ms. Aisha Hameed, the session covered crucial topics such as ergonomics, repetitive motion injuries, and human factors influencing behavior.

Students from MPID and Final Year actively participated in the session and gained valuable knowledge on creating safe and efficient workspaces.

Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam, Chairman, the Department of Product and Industrial Design, thanked Mr. Imran Shahbaz, for sharing your expertise with us!



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