Know Your Food, Know Your Health Quiz Competition
Oct 12, 2023 - Nov 12, 2023

The Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore participated in the “Know Your Food, Know Your Health Quiz Competition” held during the International Poultry Expo under the chairmanship of Dr. Humayun Ajaz. This All Punjab and KPK competition was arranged by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) in collaboration with the all Pakistan Poultry Association and more than 35 universities participated. More than 80 students of UT Lahore participated in this event along with their focal persons, Dr. Arjumand Iqbal Durrani, Ms. Hina Saleem as the team leader, and Mr. Abdul Qayyum as student representative. Renowned nutritionists provided very useful insight into the importance of poultry meat in human nutrition. In the quiz competition, our university won the first round and was among the selected 16 teams for the next round. Eight teams were able to move to the third and final round. Finally, the best three teams were selected as winners.
Such active participation from the Department of Chemistry was well recognized by the Quiz organizers and certificates were also given to recognize their active participation.



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