Invitation to submit ideas in National Idea Bank 2022
Aug 2, 2022 - Sep 2, 2022

National Idea Bank (NIB) is the initiative of the Honorable President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi, and was inaugurated by him in February  2021 at his presidency. NIB is a platform to recognize and support innovative ideas in Pakistan. The outstanding ideas are not only getting recognition but also chances for further implementation as industrial integration or investor’s attraction. Winners of NIB 2021 were given recognition and awards by the President of Pakistan, on 27th January 2022. A complete overview of the NIB program can be found at

After the great success of NIB 2021, we have now opened the 2nd Call for Ideas for NIB 2022. This year nine different sectors, for ideas submissions, have been announced covering significant fields of life.



We invite students, faculty, entrepreneurs, and innovators from your university to participate in the NIB 2022 call for ideas. The Deadline for Ideas submission is 29th August 2022. After going through the city and provincial level pitching/competitions, National Finals will be conducted on December 15, 2022, subject to confirmation by the Honorable President of Pakistan.

We are also conducting mentoring and training sessions for free. Online training on ''How to submit a Winning Idea'' will be arranged by the NIB team on 13th August 2022 at 2:00 pm Pakistan time and will be repeated on 20th August 2022 at the same time. participants can register on the following links:

HOW TO SUBMIT A WINNING IDEA (Aug 13th, 2022, 2:00:00 PM)

We are looking forward to your institution’s maximum participation in this Mega National Event.


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