International Guest Lecture on Greek Art & Design Organized by the Department of Product & Industrial Design, UET Lahore
Feb 19, 2023 - Mar 20, 2023

International Guest Lecture on Greek Art & Design Organized by the Department of Product & Industrial Design, UET, LHRThe PID dept invited Mr. Syed Ali Qamber to share his expertise online on the subject of Greek Art & Design. Mr. Sayed Ali Qamber is a graduate student of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His area of research is based on THE ROLE OF MUSEUMS & ARCHIVES in the Decolonization of “TRADITIONAL DESIGN” Ali has been very intuitive and passionate about design all his life which is why he started the lecture by interacting with the audience by asking about their life goals as designers. He shared his work experience with the students and motivated them to read literature as much as they can to grow professionally. Then he briefly delivered the Idea of Greek society, geographical location, philosophy, beliefs, design practices, architecture, and craftsmanship. He shared how three great Greek Philosophers Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates influenced society and how it impacted the Art & Design of this Civilization. The speaker ended his lecture with thanks to the chairman PID Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam and the lecture organizer, Ms. Aiman Amjad for inviting him and encouraging such initiatives of industrial collaborations.



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