Award winning IEEE UET Faisalabad Campus
Mar 13, 2023

Department of Electrical, Electronics & Telecom Engineering, Faisalabad Campus is thrilled to share the news that student branch of IEEE-UET Faisalabad has won three award categories of IEEE-FAISALABAD sub-section for the year 2022 by good annual performance and outstanding contribution to IEEE-Faisalabad sub-section. The IEEE student branches of various universities in Faisalabad region submitted their nominations against the mentioned categories and the nominations were evaluated by Award Evaluation Committee (Dr. Asma Sajjad and Mr. Zubair Gill) of IEEE-Faisalabad Subsection. Congratulations to all the winners. 

1.      IEEE Exemplary Student Branch Award-2022 

Winner: IEEE UET Faisalabad Branch 

2.      Outstanding IEEE Student Volunteer Award 

Winner: Moatassem Billah (IEEE UET Faisalabad) 

3.      Outstanding Student Branch Counsellor Award 

Winner: Dr. Aashir Waleed (IEEE UET Faisalabad) 



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