40th Senate meeting of UET, Lahore.
Sep 14, 2023 - Oct 14, 2023

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was inked between Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore and Valyrian Systems Private Limited (VSI). VSI is expertise in dealing with Information, Data, and Network security since the time of the commercial birth of the “Internet”. VSI is pioneer in VPN technology, high-performance Network Packet Processing including Packet Compressions, Packet Encryption, and Packet Inspection.

The purpose of this MoU was to build a long-term relationship and develop sustainable arrangements between both parties. According to the MoU VSI will provide jobs, paid internships, and research opportunities for sustainable UET graduates. This MoU shall also work for the curriculum enhancement through joint efforts of faculty of UET and VSI professionals according to the current and future industrial needs. Vice Chancellor UET Lahore Prof. Dr. Habib Ur Rehman and Director VSI Mr. Muhammad Haris Bin Naseer signed the MoU while Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shoaib was also present at the MoU signing ceremony.



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